Made in His image.

Made in His image.
Photos courtesy Jan Ethridge Photography

Saturday, November 16, 2013

What I Know About My Savior

Normally this is a place for our dance ministry to post about upcoming events, share news about performances, and offer insight and encouragement to our dancers, and others, through devotions grounded in scripture.  This past week has been filled with so many twists and turns, mountains that refuse to go away, and obstacles that make you want to give up, both for myself, our dancers, and others close to me,  that I felt God leading me to stop and reflect on His promises.

They enemy would have you believe you're alone in your struggles, but here's what we know to be true from God's word:

1. Our Heavenly Father loves you right where you are. (Romans 5:8)
His love is not conditional on you getting your "act together"; it's not a reward held out for good behavior or something that can be taken away from you if you make a wrong move. He loves you where you are, today! It's incredible! He is crazy about you! Yes, you! Inside and out. There's nothing you could do to make Him love you any more or any less. He delights in you. The God that created solar systems and every living creature is crazy about you!

2. Jesus has paid it all. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
It is an amazing transformation when you put your trust into the Man that died on the cross to free you from sin. We are all so broken and lost in things we have done, guilt-ridden or love-depraved.......until we choose to surrender it all and put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. And then guess what? It's over! You are free! Free from the guilt that liked to creep back in every couple of weeks, free from judgement, free from condemnation, and free to experience the fullness of God's love! Jesus paid it all and our great God says He has removed your sin from you as far as the East is from the West. When you are in Christ you have been made new! So don't go back and dwell on the things that your Lord conquered. Continue to seek after Him in every part of your life and you will discover a freedom that nothing in this world can match.

And as a child of God, there are so many more promises made to you. Cling to them when doubt or fear come knocking.

3. The Lord is your strength. (So lean on Him! You don't have to do the fighting.)
4. Nothing can separate you from His love. (Nothing! Period:)
5. He works things out for the good of those that love Him.
6. He delights in blessing you!
7. He is the King of Kings! (So there is no problem too big for Him to handle.)
8. He will never leave you or betray you.

So when times are rough, circumstances confusing, hope depleted, or you just don't know where to turn, stop and meditate on the promises of your Heavenly Father who loves you. Talk to Him and cast all your burdens and worries on Him through prayer. And as you spend more and more time in His presence you will start to recognize His voice more and more.

"In this world you will face tribulation, but take heart! For I have overcome the world!"

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